What is Driving You?

What is Driving You?

Have you ever given thought to what is driving you? Why are you trying to reach your goals? Do you want to do better for your children? Are you focused on getting a promotion or going back to school and changing careers? Have you taken the time to write down your...
The Power of Perception

The Power of Perception

The way that you perceive yourself, others, and events affects your actions, your mood, and your emotions. Often, we think of events as having a clear meaning. If you made a mistake at work, for instance, maybe you felt that it was a problem that dragged down your...
How Strong Leaders Manage Work Disputes

How Strong Leaders Manage Work Disputes

Everyone has a work dispute at some point. After all, we are human beings with feelings and emotions. Conflict is inevitable, we aren’t always going to see eye to eye. It isn’t the conflict that is the problem, it is how leaders manage conflict that matters. At every...
How to Be a Persuasive Leaders

How to Be a Persuasive Leaders

The best leaders have technical competence in their industry along with emotional intelligence and a gift for persuasiveness. Think about it—we constantly laud CEOs for their ability to make tough decisions under pressure, especially when it comes to products and...
How To Change Your Company Culture

How To Change Your Company Culture

Every business wants to create a company culture that employees and customers fall in love. However, cultivating and fostering such a culture isn’t a quick fix. Most companies that want to create a successful culture don’t have a concrete plan for how to get there....
5 Mistakes New Leaders Make

5 Mistakes New Leaders Make

Becoming a new leader can be a daunting task. We all have our own perceptions of leadership, but actually being in the position to make decisions is extremely difficult. Even more so when you are in the position for the first time. There are several mistakes that new...
Stop Waiting For the Eureka Moment

Stop Waiting For the Eureka Moment

We’ve all been there. You have an idea, and you’ve been kicking it around for a bit, but you haven’t really mapped out your end goal and exactly what you need to do to get there. Instead, you think that at some point you’ll have a “eureka moment.” That light bulb...